

  • 2020


    Farm-level indicators for crop and landscape diversity derived from agricultural beneficiaries data

    Uthes, S., Kelly, E., König, H.J., 2020. Farm-level indicators for crop and landscape diversity derived from agricultural beneficiaries data. Ecological Indicators 108, 105725.

  • 2020


    Creating a synthetic landscape: Spatial allocation of non-spatial single farm data

    Uthes, S., Kiesel, J., 2020. Creating a synthetic landscape: Spatial allocation of non-spatial single farm data. Agricultural Systems 177, 102740.

  • 2019


    Challenges to Build up a Collaborative Landscape Management (CLM)—Lessons from a Stakeholder Analysis in Germany

    Zscheischler, J., Busse, M., & Heitepriem, N. 2019. Challenges to Build up a Collaborative Landscape Management (CLM)—Lessons from a Stakeholder Analysis in Germany. Environmental management, 64(5), 580-592