

  • 14.12.-25.01.
    10-12 am

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Colloquium “Nachhaltigkeit und gesellschaftliche Transformation”, December 2023 – January 2024

    The colloquium „Nachhaltigkeit und gesellschaftliche Transformation“ takes place online, 10-12 a.m. at the following link, Meeting-ID: 692 2380 0830, Kenncode: 171443).

    Please find the full programm here and the next dates and speakers below: 

    • Robert Jende: „Vom Objekt zum Subjekt der Transformation. Das Demokratiecafé als Format zur Aktivierung kollektiver Handlungsfähigkeit“ on 14 December 2023
    • Niklas Stoll (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg): “Von der sozialökologischen Transformation zur Transformation der Demokratie. Staat und Demokratie im Diskurs der Klimabewegung” on 21 December 2023
    • Philip Koch (flumen, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): “Koexistenz oder Konflikt – Der Olivenanbau von Jaén am Scheideweg?” on 4 January 2024
    • Jana Holz (flumen, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): “Paradoxe Naturbeziehungen in Finnland – Einfallstor für extraktivistische Tendenzen in der Forstwirtschaft?” on 18 January 2024
    • Sarah Kessler (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) und Dennis Eversberg (flumen): “‘Alltagskompetenz‘ gegen die Zumutungen ‚der Gesellschaft‘? Die Klimakulturen verschiedener Berufsgruppen im Konflikt um expansive Vergesellschaftung” on 25 January 2024
  • 01.12.
    9.30 am - 5 pm

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Symposium on sociological forest research in Jena

    First Symposium on Sociological Forest Research in Germany

    On December 01, 9:30-17:00 flumen is hosting the first sociological forest symposium in Jena.

    We have received many exciting submissions that promise a diverse programme of talks, pitches and a keynote. The symposium will bring together sociologists from German-speaking countries who work on interesting forest topics (or who have an interest in forests).

    We would like to use the symposium to strengthen networking and exchange and to anchor sociological forest research in the research landscape. Currently, we plan to use the symposium as a kick-off event to build up a network on forest sociology. We envision regular (online) events and exchange. We would like to start this with a first online meeting in January 2024. If interested:

    Click here for the programme.


    Jana Holz (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Sociology, flumen),

    Ronja Mikoleit (Social Change Unit of the Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg),

    Anna Saave (Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Agricultural Economics, BioMaterialities)

    Ronja Schröder (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Institute for Social Sciences, AG Social Theory)


    Unfortunately, due to capacity reasons, registrations for the event are already closed.

    For more informations click here.

  • 22.11.
    13-15 CET / 14-16 EET

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Scientific Coffee: A Regenerative Approach to Forestry: Insights from the Indigenous Culture Kogi

    Within the Scientific Coffee “Human-Forest-Relationships” we present:

    Input: Mónica Hernández Morcillo, Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development

    Title: A Regenerative Approach to Forestry: Insights from the Indigenous Culture Kogi

    Today, as the multiple planetary crises converge irrupting our daily life and threatening our existence, we are increasingly becoming aware of our interdependence with nature. A core cause of the unprecedented degradation of the planet lies in our perceptions as separated from nature. As the changing environment emerges, we are faced with the urgent challenge of finding new ways of inhabiting and regenerating the planet. Yet, most of the current efforts are dedicated to researching and transforming the external world of policies, economies, or ecosystems, overlooking other important sources of knowledge. In this context, to reach new answers, an exchange between indigenous and scientific knowledge as well a transferences from global South to global North is urgently needed. The Kogi are one of the last civilisations on the American continent to have their cultural and spiritual identity at a quasi pre-Columbian level to this day. They hold a deep understanding of the interrelationships in nature that we, with our scientific methods are beginning to understand. This enables them to assess the effects of human interventions in nature and makes them an invaluable ally in the search for effective and motivating sustainable pathways for the future of forestry.

    Let’s sit and talk in the scientific café! The “Scientific Coffee HFR” sessions give room for open and relaxed discussions on current research subjects related to human and society relations to forests. It warmly welcomes all interested in forest-related research to join online sessions.

    If you are interested in contributing to the “Scientific Coffee HFR”, please contact either judith.kiss(at) or tuulikki.halla(at) with info on your subject (title and short abstract) and a preferred Wednesday (13-15 CET / 14-16 EET).

    For more informations click here.

  • 19.05.
    18:00 - 20:00

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Desiring Energy: Toxic Fantasies of Fuel, Freedom, and Work

    Keynote and Discussion with Cara Daggett (Virginia Tech)

    Zoom webinar

    Energy, work, and power are intertwined, both in the scientific definition of energy (the ability to do work), and in the political manifestation of human-fuel practices. Fossil fuel advocates rely upon the threat of job loss and energy dependency to mobilize affection for oil, coal or gas, but many renewable energy advocates also adopt this framework in calls for a just energy transition. Doing so helps keep modern energy cultures yoked to extractivism. In this talk, I will trace the historical emergence of the relationship between energy and work, focusing upon how work came to be understood and valued as a site of energy transformation. The energy-work ethos informed the emergent fossil fuel culture, wherein technical categories of work and waste intersect with racialized, and gendered, judgments of productivity and sloth. Thinking about energy historically suggests that shifting our fuel cultures will require a corresponding shift in (post)-industrial cultures of work and Western understandings of freedom.

    We warmly invite you to this promising keynote that our Junior Research Group “Mentalities in Flux” (flumen) is organizing as part of the workshop “Mental infrastructures of modern fossil and bio-based societies”.

    After registration under this link you will receive the login data for the zoom-webinar.

  • 19.-20.05.

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Mental Infrastructures of Modern Fossil and Bio-based Societies

    The Junior Research Group ‘Mentalities in flux (flumen)’ is announcing its upcoming workshop “Mental Infrastructures of Modern Fossil and Bio-based Societies” that will take place on 19 & 20 May 2022 on-site in Jena. Attached you find a short description and the workshop program.

    Due to the unpredictable covid-19 situation, the number of participants is limited. If you are interested in taking part in the workshop, please write to to Judith Kiss We will compile a waitlist and let you know by the beginning of May 2022. We will also broadcast the workshop via webinar, so you will have the possibility to attend the workshop online.

  • 08.09.
    13:00 - 15:00

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    1st “Scientific Coffee Human-Forest-Relationships”

    Input: Anne Matilainen (University of Helsinki): Feelings of psychological ownership towards forests

    With the “Scientific Coffee” sessions we – the junior research group ,flumen´ and the research project ,Human-forest relationship in Societal Change’ – pursue our cooperation and exchange on the relations between society, humans and forests that we started with the workshop “Contested Society-Nature-Relations. Forest related Emotions, Practices & Conflicts in Times of Societal Change” in May 2021.

    The Scientific Coffee HFR starts with our colleague Anne Matilainen from the University of Helsinki who is researching the concept of psychological ownership in the context of forests.

    Anne will give a short introduction to the concept of psychological ownership and her research. With coffee and cookies at hand, we will have plenty of room for an open discussion and exchange. The scientific coffee will take place on zoom (link comes with the registration).

    Please give us a quick reply if you plan to attend on September, 8th by registrating at

    We are looking forward to see you at the Scientific Coffee!

    The “Scientific Coffee HFR” sessions give room for open and relaxed discussions on current research subjects related to human and society relations to forests. They take place as often as we find the time to organise another session – but at least one session per semester is planned. If you are interested in contributing to the next “Scientific Coffee HFR”, please contact with info on your subject (title and short abstract) and a preferred Wednesday (13-15 CET / 14-16 EEST).