

  • 2021

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    From democracy at others’ expense to externalization at democracy’s expense

    Eversberg, D., 2021. From democracy at others’ expense to externalization at democracy’s expense: Property-based personhood and citizenship struggles in organized and flexible capitalism. Anthropological Theory. Special Issue: Democracy in Liberal Post-Growth Societies. doi:10.1177/1463499620977995

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  • 2020

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Mental Models of Sustainability: The Degrowth Doughnut Model

    Domazet, M., Rilović, A., Ančić, B., Andersen, B., Richardson, L., Brajdić Vuković, M., Pungas, L. and T. Medak. 2020. Mental Models of Sustainability: The Degrowth Doughnut Model. Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes, 276-286 pp.

    The doughnut model provides a base for guiding strategies for urgent and radical socio-metabolic transformation that human communities must put into practice to achieve global just sustainability. It visually quantifies existing social reproduction deviations in the chosen units (nations, regions) from the abstract safe and just operating space. This space is defined by boundaries and thresholds of biophysical, socioeconomic, and cultural downscaled and normalized indicator values; based on a principle-theory paradigm of realistically sustainable flourishing of people and planet.

  • 2020

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    The social specificity of societal nature relations in a flexible capitalist society

    Eversberg, Dennis. 2020. The social specificity of societal nature relations in a flexible capitalist society. In: Environmental Values (fast-track pdf e-print).

  • 2020

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Degrowth and the Emerging Mosaic of Alternatives

    Schmelzer, Matthias. 2020. Degrowth and the Emerging Mosaic of Alternatives. In: Burkhart, Corinna; Schmelzer, Matthias; Treu, Nina (Hg.), Degrowth in Movement(s): Exploring pathways for transformation. Winchester / Washington: Zer0, S. 9–28.

  • 2020

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Degrowth in Movement(s). Exploring pathways for transformation

    Schmelzer, Matthias; Burkhart, Corinna; Treu, Nina (Hrsg.) (2020): Degrowth in Movement(s). Exploring pathways for transformation. Winchester and Washington: Zero Books.

    Degrowth is an emerging social movement that overlaps with proposals for systemic change such as anti-globalization and climate justice, commons and transition towns, basic income and Buen Vivir. Degrowth in Movement(s) reflects on the current situation of social movements aiming at overcoming capitalism, industrialism and domination. The essays ask: What is the key idea of the respective movement? Who is active? What is the relation with the degrowth movement? What can the degrowth movement learn from these other movements and the other way around? Which common proposals, but also which contradictions, oppositions and tensions exist? And what alliances could be possible for broader systemic transformations?

  • 2020

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Das emanzipatorische Projekt ‘Postwachstumsökonomien’

    Schmelzer, Matthias; Vetter, Andrea. 2020. Das emanzipatorische Projekt ‚Postwachstumsökonomien‘: Interview, durchgeführt von Meret Batke, Mai Anh Ha und Bastian Lange. In: Lange, Bastian et al. (Hg.), Postwachstumsgeographien: Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, S. 101–108.

  • 2020

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Stadt für alle jenseits des Wachstums: Was kann die Stadtforschung aus der Degrowthdebatte lernen?

    Schmelzer, Matthias; Vetter, Andrea. 2020. Stadt für alle jenseits des Wachstums: Was kann die Stadtforschung aus der Degrowthdebatte lernen? In: Brokow-Loga, Anton; Eckhardt, Frank (Hg.), Postwachstumsstadt. Konturen einer solidarischen Stadtpolitik. München: oekom, S. 44–57.

  • 2019

    Mentalities in flux (flumen)

    Who can challenge the imperial mode of living? The terrain of struggles for social-ecological transformation in the German population

    Eversberg, Dennis. 2019. Who can challenge the imperial mode of living? The terrain of struggles for social-ecological transformation in the German population. In: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, S. 1-24.