

  • 13.-14.05.

    8th International Bioeconomy Conference 2019 in Halle (Saale)

    The 8th annual Bioeconomy conference will be organised by the ScienceCampus Halle and the BioEconomy Cluster Central Germany on the 13th and 14th of May at the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences in Halle (Saale).

    Focus will be on sharing the latest research results, innovations and current developments on the markets, including exchanging experience with this year’s partner region South America.

    The conference is regarded as one of the most important bioeconomy events in Germany. Every year it brings together internationally renowned representatives of science and industry to discuss the latest research findings, innovations and current developments on the market.

    The two-day event offers interesting lectures on the topics of (1) social-economic issues of the bioeconomy, (2) challenges and chances within the sugar-based bioeconomy, (3) plant productivity for a growing bioeconomy, (4) the pathway to sucess with biotech products and (5) research highlights funded by BMBF.

    Conference registration is required until 30 April 2019 at

    Ina Volkhardt: ina.volkhardt(at)
    Anne-Karen Beck: anne-k.beck(at)

    8th International Bioeconomy Conference 2019
    Bio meets Economy – Science meets Industry
    13 – 14 May 2019
    Leopoldina ǀ Halle (Saale), Germany
