

  • 08.05.
    10:45 - 13:00

    Workshop “Inequalities and Social Conflicts around Bioenergy”

    The BMBF-funded junior research group “Bioeconomy and Inequalities” will hold a workshop concerning two ongoing research projects, which deal with conflicts and inequalities in the context of bioenergy: Rosa Lehmann, researcher of the junior group, is working on a case study on bioenergy in Germany. She focuses on political and socio-economic inequalities from a multi-scalar perspective, as well as on alternatives to monocultures and land- and capital concentration in the bioenergy sector. Samadhi Lipari, researcher at the University of Leeds and researcher fellow of BioInequalities, will present on the topic of “Green grabbing next door: the case of wind energy in South Italy”.

    Date: 08.05.2018 10:45 – 1:00 pm
    Venue: Jena, DFG-KollegforscherInnengruppe “Postwachstums-gesellschaften”, Humboldstraße 34

    Speakers: Rosa Lehmann, Samadhi Lipari

    08.05.2018 10:45 - 13:00