Presentation and Dialogue (in Spanish)
The unstoppable expansion of soy monocultures is connected to the widespread use of pesticides, which poses a problem with different phenomena in countries of the Cono Sur. Due to their oil-containing qualities and high protein content, soy beans are an important resource in different food- and energy production chains all over the world. Therefore, soy plays a central role in debates on bioeconomy and agrarian ecology. The social-ecological and health risks of soy cultivation are unequally distributed among producers and consumers of soy. Until now, there are only few detailled studies which deal with the gender-specific and health consequences of pesticides in the soy sector. Victoria Evia will present and discuss her research in this field. She is postgraduate for critical medical anthropology at the CIESAS, México and at the Udelar, Uruguay. The language of the event will be Spanish. There will be no translation. Questions for the presenter can be formulated in German or English.