The four research groups within the funding program “Bioeconomy as Societal Change” met on May 2017 in Berlin to present their project, to network and to exchange ideas. The discussions covered challenges of interdisciplinary research, methods and theories, within the area of bioeconomy and societal transformation research.
The first status meeting was held the 9th of May at the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was organized by the Project Management Jülich (PTJ) and supported by the BMBF.
The meeting was a common kick-off for all the projects within the research program. Each research group presented their project and had the opportunity to discuss their research and challenges with other young researchers. The meeting was fruitful and highlighted some hot topics in current research areas. Interdisciplinarity, discourse analysis and system perspectives were some of the overlapping areas between several groups. The meeting resulted in valuable contacts with other researchers.